Policies and Procedures
Please read so you understand better how we run things. These policies and procedures have been developed through experience. We have them in place to ensure we can run the best business and have the best environment and structure for our students and parents.
All may not apply to you but you must agree to how we run our business to register for classes.
Welcome to our award winning Steps Performing Arts Center. We are excited to have you be a part of our Steps Family.
We are all about positive teaching and good sportsmanship. Our goal is to help instill a love of the performing arts. Whether your goal is to just have fun and learn a skill or you want to be a professional performer someday we have the steps to follow and we are here to help you reach for the stars! Please read all of the important information below to understand better how we run things and why we are so awesome!
Add - You can add any non performing class if it is not full. Performance Club classes are closed November, December,& March, April, May so dancers can get ready for the recital. You must have a card on file and sign the policies to register for any class.
Drop - Dropped classes have to be done by the office manager or Director Sue. To drop a class you must send an email to susan@stepsdanceutah.com with 30 days notice. You will be required to bring the account to a zero balance and pay the full tuition for the current month the student is dropped from. 30 days notice starts the moment you send the email. You will be required to pay for the month your 30 days is ending in. We only do one-month contracts when most studios do 3-month contracts.
Come and TRY ANY CLASS ONCE for a whole week for free. Let the teacher know you are trying it out and they can answer any questions.
* Parents must sign the policies and procedures for students to try a class.
By agreeing to these studio Policies and Procedures form you consent to let Steps Performing Arts Center use any photo and or recording taken of you or your child associated with dance or this studio for publicity, promotion or advertising purposes. You also agree that all of these photos and or recordings associated will remain the property of Steps Performing Arts Center. If this is a problem please reach out to Director Sue.
Please bring your student on time and make sure they are in the building before you leave. We want the students to be safe therefore we encourage them to NOT wait outside for their ride. Its also important dancers are there in class to warm up properly as to avoid injury on time. ALL Students may arrive no earlier than 5 minutes before class and be picked up no later than 5 minutes after class. After the 5 minutes Steps has the right to charge a $1 a minute beyond the 5 minute pick up and drop off time. We are not a daycare.
- Arrive to class on time for a proper warm up. If the student is more than 10 minutes late they may be asked to warm up on their own in the corner or sit out for the remainder of the class to avoid injury.
- Dancers that miss more than 3 classes may need to schedule a make-up class with the teacher.
- To sit out in class for any reason the student must have written consent from a parent or doctor.
- Dancers must wear the proper attire for their class including the correct dance shoes - see attire below.
- Dancers are encouraged and expected to have positive attitudes, respect for others and always give their best efforts in class. We do not put up with any type of bulling. Students that are not following these guidelines will first get a verbal warning, second a behavior demerit and if it happens a third time they will be removed from the studio with no refunds.
- Family and friends may observe through the viewing windows. We encourage the parents and friends not to be in the class room during class because it is distracting to ALL the students including your dancer.
- Dancers that are ill are still invited to come to class but must wear a mask. The only time they should not come to class is if you as the parent feel like the dancer is contagious or if they are way to sick to come. Please use discretion and encourage your child to be a tough dancer. Keep in mind that if team dancers miss two weeks prior to a performance for any reason they could be moved out of the formation and will not be permitted to perform at the next performance even if it is a competition.
Most of our communication from Steps is done via email or text. We use the contact information from your registration to communicate so please make sure that is always accurate. If for any reason you are not getting the information you need please contact the front desk to make sure we have the right contact information for you. Make sure when you register you click YES to receiving emails and do not opt out. This is how we communicate with you and send out important information regarding recitals issues in class and no class days. So please read your emails often.
You may often find information on the studio board located in the lobby next to the entrance
Our website is awesome! It is full of tons of information and should be able to answer most of your questions. The website includes; class enrollment and account information, news page so you can stay updated, parents handbook, youtube link for easy access to class practice videos and instructional videos on makeup and hair for competitions, photos & advertisement videos, information about steps teachers and information about performances + much more. The web site is a great tool for you as parents.
Like us on our Facebook (www.facebook.com/Steps-Performing-Arts-Center), Youtube (www.youtube.com/user/STEPSDANCEROCKS/videos), Instagram (www.instagram.com/stepsdanceutah/) For pictures, information, deals, and events. Competitions please ask to join the Competition Facebook group.
We love and appreciate your feedback and comments so we can be the best for our students and parents. We always take into consideration thoughts and comments, we evaluate it and then make the best decision we feel is best for everyone. If you have something to discuss please do not interrupt class time to do so. If you have a question or comment for the director or a teacher you may contact the front desk, leave a message or receive information on how to contact that teacher/Director and we will get back to you as soon as possible. If you DO have a problem please give everyone the benefit of the doubt and treat all of our teachers, staff, and students kindly, with respect & kindness will be returned.
Correct attire is required and is important for the dancer’s success in class. When students dress like a dancer they act and dance like a dancer. More importantly, they need to be in the right attire so they can move like they need to and so we can see their bodies to make sure they are moving correctly as to help teach correct habits, technique and avoid injury. We do not allow inappropriate dancewear or school clothes. If students do not come to class with correct dance clothes and shoes they will be asked to call their parents to bring them their correct attire before they are allowed to dance. Please take the dress code seriously.
Please refer to the dress code section on the website
Many of your dance needs can be found in our Steps store located in the studio lobby. All steps dancers receive 10% off everything.
Enroll online at www.StepsDanceUtah.com To enroll you will need to fill out family & student information, set up an account for payment and pay the registration fee of $30 per student per year with siblings at $15 half price enrollment. Early enrollment for fall is discounted in the month of May for current Steps dancers. You must have a card on file to register for classes even if you want to pay with cash.
- Open class enrollment for Summer & fall/winter is open from April 1 - To enroll in a team you must audition at the end of May or set up a private audition with the director. Please call 801-318-2194 to schedule private. By August Teams are set and don’t change for the remaining dance season.
- Steps Performing Arts Director owner and team directors have the right to refuse service or enrollment to anyone for any reason. We also reserve the right to drop a dancer from a class or competition group if we feel they are damaging Steps PAC integrity in any way.
We follow the Nebo School district schedule so when there is no school there are no classes. Rarely do we decide to hold a class on a no school day but if so it will be approved by the director and will be communicated to parents within a sufficient time frame through email.
Steps PAC is not liable for any lost or stolen items. Please do not bring things to the studio that are valuable and place all of your items in your bag in the cubbies and out of sight. If you have lost something look in the lost and found red box. We donate our L & F items once a month.
Signing the policies and procedures and or registration form will act as a medical release. You release Steps Dance & Performing Arts, Susan or Jason Crowther, other students and their parents, teachers, helpers, or associates relating to or sponsoring this studio of claims for damages that may result from participation in dance, tumbling or other activities associated with steps classes. You also understand that the activities your child will be doing at our studio are susceptible to injury and often a strain on the body because of the kind of activities they are and you agree to let them participate. This will also authorize employees to give medical assistance if deemed necessary. The primary registering contact and legal guardian of the participating child will be responsible for any and all emergency & medical cost associated with your child if there is an injury. You agree that this release also applies to any family member on location that might get injured, Parents or siblings of the child enrolled.
We are a performing arts school. We know how absolutely important performing is to the student's growth and success in the arts and in life. We have seen student’s lives improve from preparing for the recital and doing something hard. We have also seen students self-esteem skyrocket from performing and receiving love and praise from family and friends. We talk about performing often and help prepare them for these fun events. All performing open classes and team perform in the recitals at a large professional theatre. Families pay a recital fee the month before the recital which allows us to not charge admission so that all family and friends can come to support the dancers. This way everyone can come and support your dancer.
- Club classes are low-pressure recreational style classes with the opportunity of a professional technical atmosphere. Great fit for first-time dancers! If your dancer is ready for more accelerated classes and opportunities then we would love to have then audition for a team.
-We hold 2 Dance Recitals a season, generally one in December and one in May. Recitals are held at a large venue nearby. Dates and location will be announced around September/October and again also the month before each recital.
We realize that we are a big influence for these students not just in dance but in life, therefore, we strive to have only appropriate, character building music, choreography, and costumes in our studio. Often we mix, change and cut music to make sure it meets Steps high standards. We also strive to have beautiful, well made and appropriate costumes for the age of the dancers
We encourage all of our dancers to have positive attitudes. Be respectful of their teachers, other students and themselves. We expect them to always give their best in everything and taking care of their bodies. We encourage all of our Steps Family teachers to foster positive teaching and help build these students up to not just be amazing dancers but also amazing people. Please share this responsibility as a parent. Avoid gossip and drama. Be supportive. Get involved. Help encourage them to do hard things and reach their goals. And most of all please be the best example of positivity. Thank you for being so great and joining with us to help your child succeed. STEPS PARENTS ROCK!
Privates - Private dance lessons are available to help the dancers excel and improve their skills faster. Privates are generally $30 per hour. Price decided by teachers.
Below is a list of costs that may incur throughout the year according to your student's classes or Teams they are taking.
Monthly Tuition (all Students) - Covers weekly scheduled classes. Tuition is determined by how many hours per week you are taking. Tuition is the same no matter if there are 3, 4 or 5 weeks in the month. It all evens out in the end.
Open & Team Classes
1 hour per week – $55 month
to add another class it $40 more per hour
Unlimited classes per student – $300 month
Unlimited classes per family – $550 month
10% discount for siblings
3% full-year everything paid up front in cash with the office manager. Must pay before Aug 1st
Annual Registration - $30 to register first student, 15.00 for each additional sibling after that. Pay with new fall/winter registration only once a year. New and returning students get free registration in May
Costumes (all Performers) Because we have to pay for the costumes upfront the payment is required in full and is due by the first of October or January for new year students to get them here in time for the recital. Account balance must have a zero balance or credit prior to receiving costumes. Costumes will not be handed out otherwise until the account is paid.
-Club classes purchase and keep one costume for each performing class & perform in that same costume for both recitals.
-Team classes will have one costume for every dance they compete in.
Child sizes classes are $80.00 per costume
Adult sizes classes are $90.00 per costume. (Some classes have child & adult size students. This class is considered an Adult size class.)
Recitals (all Students) - All families must pay a recital fee for each recital which helps pay for the cost of the facility rental, technical support, music, sound & lighting, custodial, insurance and outside wages. A $50.00 recital fee is due in November & April in replacement of show tickets. This allows you to invite all of your family and friends with no admission charged. This way everyone can come and support and cheer your dancer without having to buy a ticket!
Private dance instruction - $50 hour paid to the teacher. Price determined by teacher.
Steps Pac Company Team & Crew fees
Please contact Director Sue for prices
Automatic payment
When you register you are agreeing to be automatically signed up for auto pay and must submit your credit card number in our secure system to register for a class. This is an easy way to pay tuition or any cost related to the steps programs you have signed up for with no late fee and no worries. Auto pay runs on the 1st of every month. If for any reason the payment does not go through we will try and run the payment again for the balance owed on the 10th of the month. If for any reason the auto pay still does not go through we will continue to run the payment through the rest of the month until it does go through. If needed you will be contacted by a steps representative to take care of any issues with the account and collect the payment. After the 10th of the month, any accounts with pending balances will receive a late fee of $30
-A 3% surcharge is applied to all card transactions.
-If you would rather pay with cash or check you may do so by bringing in the payment for the FULL amount before the 1st of the month so your balance will be 0.00 when we run the auto pay and it won’t charge your card anything if the balance is 0.00.
-If for any reason the balance is still pending by the last day of the month. And you have not come to an agreement with Sue or the office manager your dancer will not be permitted to dance until the full balance is resolved.
Pay ahead
You are always welcome to pay ahead. You can either go online to your account and make a payment or come in and pay at the studio in person. If you pay ahead the credit will show on your account.
Cash discount
To get the 3% discount you must pay EVERYTHING including the full year tuition, registration, recital fees, costume fees and any other fees associated to your dancers classes. Payment must be paid with cash only and must be paid before you start the dance season. You must contact the account manager to figure out this amount and make a payment with her.
We do not give refunds. Steps often pays for venues, costumes, choreography, competitions upfront and does not receive refunds. Therefore we do not offer refunds. No Exceptions!
Unpaid balances/Account issues
Steps Performing Arts Center reserves the right to send all unpaid balances to collections after 60 days. At this time students will not be permitted to attend class. All fees occurred through collections will be your responsibility to pay including all legal expenses associated. All time occurred above 1 hour by Steps Performing Arts Center management to facilitate and manage the problems associated will be charged to the account at a rate of $40 an hour and will be added to the balance due. I agree to pay all amount(s) owed within 30 days of when such amount(s) are incurred. I agree that it is and shall remain my responsibility to pay all amounts owing as set forth herein. I agree that interest will accrue on all past-due amounts at the rate of 18% per annum (1.5% per month) until paid in full. In the event any amount(s) is/are referred to a third party debt collection agency, I agree that in addition to any other amount(s) allowed for by law, (such as interest, court costs, reasonable attorney's fees, etc.) I will also be responsible for a collection fee of up to 40% of the principal amount(s) owing as allowed by Utah Code Annotated, sec. 12-1-11. The terms of this paragraph shall apply to all amount(s) incurred by me or by any individual for whom I have legal responsibility whether such amount(s) are incurred today or after today.
Any trades or credits can only be used for tuitions and no tangable items. All trades must be used before one year from time of trade given.
Competition is healthy for students to learn the life lesson of working hard for something as a team and living the benefits. We strongly believe in healthy competition and integrity while competing and we lead our students by a good example. Sometimes life is a competition and being on a team helps them learn and grow positively from their experiences.
Team fee package is broken up into 8 payments and is paid June through January along with tuition or you can pay upfront. This includes all costumes, competitions and team class gear that changes with every season. (team gear that is constant like warm ups are not included in this package) If there are any fees that increase more than what was estimated into team package due to inflation or increased costs you will be notified and will be expected to pay the increased amount by February for your dancer to compete.
Production year (every other year) - $50 included in fees. There will be 3 Sat production practices and Props/Set. Days announced in Sept
Solo/Duet/Trio - This is required for all intermediate and advanced show teams. Price Includes 5 hours of choreography taught, music cut & private studio rental. Must be paid to the teacher by the first lesson. Ask choreographer/teacher for pricing
Studio Warm-Ups or Sweats - Warm-ups or sweats are required for all Steps PAC company but only need to be purchased when you must get a new size usually every other year. Warm ups must be warn at all competitions and awards. They are high quality with the dancer's name embroidered on the pants and jacket and logo design on the back of the jacket. All must be paid for at the time they are ordered. See pricing at time of order in August
Steps Company is made by audition only and are final. Teams and Crews are made up of skill levels, performance and age groups. Summer classes are required for dancers to attend 70% if they want to be on a team. Auditions are in May. Teams are announced by email within one week after. Dancers must sign up for classes ASAP after teams are announced so we can get ready for summer classes and boot camps the first week of August.
Summer Company classes - June & July
Summer Technique and Ballet is required of you are on a team. Dancers must be registered and attend 70% of required classes during June & July (Ballet & Technique) We will also have some master teachers come in during this time.
-Zoom class do count as attending if you are out of town but no more than 3 zoom classes are allowed.
-All missed classes past the 30% can me made up with privates at parents expence.
-If dancers move away for the summer they must give proof to Director of technique and ballet attendance somewhere else or must tune into zoom classes for 70%
*We feel continued technique and ballet is absolutly essential to dancers and teams growth.
70% Breakdown - Show Team dancers must attend 11 out or 16 classes & Hip Hop Crews must attend 5 out of 8
Commitment for parents and dancer
By committing to join a team company you are contracted for an entire year (June 1 – May 30) and required to participate in ALL of the competitions, workshops, and performances arranged for your team. Do not schedule family vacations for these days! Everyone is important and we need every team member there! If your dancer cannot be there for a performance we reserve the right to take them out of the dance or drop them from the team if we feel this is necessary for the integrity or success of the team. If a dancer drops out of the team before the season is over we reserve the right to charge $350.00 immediately for damages caused as well as for cost and time spent to resolve this issue. If the dancer is removed or dropped from the team for any reason there will be no refunds on any team fees or tuition up to that point. No exceptions.
All teams & crews perform in the Dance recitals. Teams often get the opportunity to perform at other special events like High school Drill nights or fundraisers sometimes with short notice. Teams & Crews compete in 4 competitions a year. Some local and some & one in St George. Competition season is February, March, April & May. Please keep these months & Saturdays open and do not schedule things during the competition season!. Official competition dates and location are announced around around October. By being on the Steps Company you are committing to be at every performance and competition. Do not schedule a vacation on these days or the months prior since we will be getting ready! The Company depends on EVERYONE to be there and every dancer is important!
Show Teams go to conventions. They are paid for & required. These opportunities help dancers grow immensely in confidence and skill!
Any dancer can request to go to a convention. reach out to susie to register.
Choreography Boot Camps
These camps are mandatory for ALL team & crew members. This is where they learn the choreography for the whole season and where they create bonds with their team members. Dancers are required to pay for the boot choreography camps with their team fees even if they cannot attend. No exceptions.
Team Captains
Captains and Co-captains are chosen by the dancers on the team at the choreography boot camps in July. This is a privilege, a leadership opportunity and responsibility to help the team stay united and be a good example of integrity and positivity. Captains are encouraged to create opportunities for the team to unite like parties etc. They are also expected to inform the teachers or director of any issues.
Team Participation
- Team members are only allowed to miss one performance and not be removed from the team only if it is approved by the director.
-If a team dancer cannot dance for any reason and has a note from a parent they must still come to class, sit and watch. Lots can be learned from just sitting and watching choreography, movement and counts.
-If a team dancer misses a practice the week before the performance or competition and it has not been approved by the director then that dancer could be moved out of the dance and not be permitted to perform or compete with that dance for the rest of the season.
- If dancers miss important choreography for any reason they could be required to do a private with the teacher and pay $30 hourly fee.
Studio warm-ups
All dancers are required to have warm ups if they are on a Show Team or Hip Hop Crew. Warm ups will be ordered in September along with optional duffle & garment bags. If you already have studio warm ups you do not need to purchase them every year, only when you need to get a new size. Dancers must wear their warm ups at every competition and during awards.
Studio Dates
Dates will be announced in September for ALL dancers Club/Rec & Teams and an email will be sentout every month with updated information.
Team members are required to attend every date on the schedule; competitions and arrive dressed and ready one 90 minutes before you they are scheduled to perform.
Solo parts in routines
Team solos are given to dancers deepening on their ability and skills but they are subject to change and can be given to someone else if the dancer does not live up to the expectations and responsibility given. Auditions for special parts are available only with a current account.
Company member expectations
- We expect all team members to have integrity when representing Steps PAC and set a good example to other younger students who look up to them. We expect them to be kind, have good sportsmanship, be respectful to the teachers and to fellow team members. We expect them to be on time, work hard and be positive in class. If any team member does not live up to this “Steps PAC” we reserve the right to drop them from the team. Steps PAC takes pride in raising amazing people not just amazing dancers.
- If a team member is not living up to the technical expectations when placed on the team we reserve the right to move them to a different team or crew or suspend them for that performance until they can give what is expected.
-You must also abide to the competition information given at the team meetings.
We look forward to helping your dancer reach their dreams!