Don't ever pay for Just dance!
Pay for your child to have experiences that will last a life time and help them grow into amazing people not just amazing dancers.
Pay for them to gain confidence and be proud of the many accomplishments they will have. Pay for them to learn how to work hard and not give up. How to fall and get back up.
To develope a positive growth mindset that will last a lifetime.
To learn how to take critiques use it as a gift and grow tremendously.
To learn respect for others and for themselves.
Pay for their brain to learn to think fast and for their feet to do the same.
For them to be confident with their body and walk with poise and a proud dancing heart.
Pay For them to be a part of a team, learn good sportsmanship.
To feel that team unity and follow through to the end.
For them to make friends and have experiences that will last a lifetime.
For them to learn how to make goals and achieve them. To have a focus in life.
Pay for them to have a way to express them self and an outlet that is truly theirs forever.
Pay for them to learn how to cherish, respect and celebrate their body that God has given them through movement, to speak with and use for good.
Invest in them as a person first and a beautiful talented dancer who could get scholarships second. Don't ever pay for just dance. Come be apart of the STEPS PAC and be apart of a dance family who loves your child and wants them to succeed in life not just dance. Who wants them to be amazing in every way almost as much as you do.