STEPS PAC Disney Tour 2025 This FUN opportunity is open to ALL steps dancers including Rec/club dancers & Team dancers. Performers must be ages 8-18
But any age can go, watch and take advantage of the Disney ticket discount. We will be putting together our own fun show and will perform on the Disney stage.
Plan on presidents’ Day weekend. February 14th through the 17th. And we will try to perform on that Saturday if possible. This way if you wanna stay and do more days at Disney or go to Universal, you have the option. We will let you know the exact time frame during those dates asap.
Practices to put the show together will be on Fridays at 4:00 at the studio and will run October - February until we go. The routines will be simple and FUN.
With some highlights of more advanced skilled dancers.
Dancer cost $615 - Includes two day park hopper pass, dancer/performer fee, costume/tour t-shirt, class tuition and choreo
Family member discount cost $315 - Includes two day park hopper pass
All dancers and parents must find their own transportation and lodging while on tour. If you have season passes then talk to Sue and we can take off the ticket cost.
To go on this tour please register your dancer on the website for the Disney Tour fall class by July 15th or text Sue ASAP
Please and call our account manager Rabecca 801-477-6648 to set up Payment. The total must be paid by Dec 1.
We hope you ALL join us! It is going to be so FUN!
Disney classes will run every Friday starting in October until we leave in February.